
CC-BY 4.0, Sandra Lehecka
Stefan Eichert
Idea, Concept and Data Modelling
Stefan is the the initiator and master mind behind the OpenAtlas project. His main research fields are Early Medieval archaeology and history as well as computer applications in archaeology and digital humanities.

CC-BY 4.0, Jan Belik
Nina Richards
Project Management and Bioarchaeological Expertise
Nina is an archaeologist and anthropologist, with a focus on Early Medieval burial grounds. Beside project management she provides essential support planning and implementing archeological, anthropological and scientific modules in OpenAtlas.

CC-BY 4.0, Sandra Lehecka
Alexander Watzinger
Development Lead and Concept
Alex is the lead developer of OpenAtlas and has a special interest in data modeling and scientific web applications. His favorite tools are Python, PostgreSQL, Linux and open source software in general.

CC-BY 4.0, Sandra Lehecka
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
Backend Development and API
Bernhard is currently developing our API and studied Computer Sciences as well as History. He is interested in Python, Linked Open Data, historical geography, GIS, and cooking.

CC-BY 4.0, Oliver Reichl
Olivia Reichl
Frontend Development
Olivia is a frontend developer for OpenAtlas. She graduated at the TU Wien / Technical University of Vienna in computer science, with a focus on medical informatics.

CC-BY 4.0, Katharina Wünsche
Katharina Wünsche
Frontend Development
Katharina is a frontend developer for OpenAtlas. She studied Computer Science at the University of Vienna, where she focused on visualizations and data science.
Additional support

CC-BY 4.0, Sandra Lehecka
Christoph Hoffmann
Frontend Expertise
Christoph is engaged in web design and frontend development. As a philosophy student at the University of Vienna, he is interested in the epistemological implications of digital research methods in the humanities.

CC-BY 4.0, Nina Richards
Massimiliano Carloni
ARCHE Expertise
Massimiliano is involved developing an interface between OpenAtlas and ARCHE. Trained as a classical philologist, he is mostly interested in semantic technologies and the preservation of digital research data.

CC-BY 4.0, Sandra Lehecka
Jan Belik
Logo Design and Design Consulting
Jan is a freelance graphic designer, illustrator and art director at in Vienna, Austria. He has plenty of experience working with local as well as international brands and has created a range of OpenAtlas project logos.
These people supported us in many ways. Our thanks go to all of them.
Amelie Dorn
András Barati
Andreas Olschnögger
Asil Çetin
Britta Breuers
Celestine Posch
Clément Besnier
Christof Rauchenberger
Dalibor Pančić
Daniel Kittel
Enric Rodellas
Eugen Hotwagner
Fabio Rovigo
Johannes Preiser-Kapeller
Judith Pucher
Katharina Winckler
Klaus Illmayer
Laura Kremser
Ludwig Maximilian Breuer
Markus Pluschkovits
Moritz Großfurtner
Nicole Zehetmayer-Lorenz
Omar Siam
Peter Andorfer
Petra Heinicker
Roland Filzwieser
Sandra Lehecka
Samvel Grigoryan
Saranya Balasubramanian
Sebastian Majstorovic
Semra Kilic-Dinler
Seta Štuhec
Silvia Gómez-Senovilla
Stefan Probst
Vera Charvát
Veronika Gründhammer
Zachary Chitwood