The area of interest is defined by the Morava River that forms the central axis and its adjacent areas. In Slovakia it covers the territory of the southern Záhorie region (south of Myjava River to the Bratislava Gates area) and in Austria it covers parts of the so called Marchfeld. We would like to stress the fact, that the regions’ material culture is similar but considering the natural environment on both sides of the valley, we are dealing with different kinds of environment: In Záhorie we have an area of about 410 square kilometres of eolithic sands, which is one of the largest area of these type of soils in the Europe and makes local environment different as the Austrian site of studied area .
Sand dunes on the Slovakian part of the research area
Apart from the human, cultural and historical influences, it will be important to analyse the influence of the natural environment on the settlement structures on the both sides of river.
Marchfeld - Záhorie area; Legend: 1. Oberleiserberg, 2. Michelstetten, 3. Hohenau, 4. Devínska Nová Ves – Nad Lomom, 5. Devínska Nová Ves – Na Pieskach, 6. Bratislava – Devín, 7. Bratislava – Hradný vrch; small dots – other Early Medieval sites with information available in published sources.